Mother’s Day 2019 with Virginia Harris, C.S.B.


Baby Birds know: Mother’s Day is for everyone!

My grandson took this awesome video (view at end of post) of a spring nest of birdlings waiting to be fed. That is, until they aren’t waiting at all! They can’t see and they really don’t care if it is mom or dad or my grandson – whoever is there, FEED ME! In that moment, worm in beak or in hand, everyone is a needed caregiver, everyone is a mom!



As you walk through your day, who (or what) is calling out for mother-love? This is the compassionate, unhesitating care that meets the need without considering whether you are able, or they are worthy. Are you prepared to share from your deep well of spiritual abundance, placed in your heart by the loving Parent of us all? Placed there by the Creator to nurture you – and for you to nurture others.

When you are consciously aware that you already embody fully all the spiritual qualities of good, such as intelligence, kindness, generosity and courage, to respond to any cry for help then you will also have tangibly what is necessary, right at hand. This is inherent, always-right mother-love – not gender specific – from anyone and for everyone…for good.

Here is something to think about: every problem on the planet is pretty much a relationship problem! Is our relationship with our neighbor – at work, in the community or church – appreciating, valuing and loving like a mother?

The birdlings know that whoever cares for them is their mother. Let’s all be the best moms and care for every neighbor we have!

“…a mother’s love behind words has no language; it may give no material token, but lives steadily on, through time and circumstance, as part and paramount portion of her being.” – Mary Baker Eddy


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Fear Never Stopped Ellen DeGeneres or BYU Student Matt Easton – Now Playing


If standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist then I’m an activist.

Ellen DeGeneres



Published on May 6, 2019

Ellen welcomed Matthew Easton, who recently graduated from Brigham Young University as Valedictorian. During his commencement speech, he bravely came out as gay at the famously conservative school. He sat down with Ellen to talk about what made him decide to make the announcement in front of so many people, and his post-graduation plans.

Commentary: Ignore those shouting from the ‘great and spacious building’

May 4, 2019

Two years ago, a distant relative I had not met before contacted me on Facebook because of my name.


My last name, uncommon in the United States, is uniquely concentrated in Utah because of immigration to the territory during the early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After some conversation, we established our relational link through my great-grandparents, who owned a grocery store in the Uintah Basin during the 1960s. I didn’t hear from her again until January of this year.


On Jan. 19, I became engaged to the most remarkable man I have ever met. We exchanged rings on the very mountain overlooking Phoenix that we had summited a year earlier on our first date. Like any engaged couple, we were overwhelmed with emotion and unfettered joy as we anticipated the joining of two families and the prospect of building a life together.

Later that day, I shared this event to our friends and family on Facebook with the modest announcement: “This afternoon Matt and I hiked a mountain and asked for each other’s hand in marriage.”


One of the first comments was from this long lost relative who posted, “That is so sick.” At first I thought this was her way of saying, “Congratulations!” However, my heart sank upon clarification that her “sick” meant mentally ill.


It was such an out-of-place comment hurled through the Internet at a member of her distant family on such a happy occasion.


Last week, I saw the same thing happen to Matt Easton on social media, only on a much larger scale. Matt courageously came out in his Brigham Young University valedictorian speech, in such a savvy and powerful way. It was electrifying when he declared, “I am proud to be a gay son of God.”


Successful heterosexual men and women often cite their own sexuality in speeches, acknowledging the support of their spouse or children. Matt’s speech was a pivotal moment in BYU history, where a gay man could also stand and declare that part of who he is, a gay son of God, contributes to the accomplishments in life he is proud to own.

As news outlets reported this event, the social media comments began. While many were positive, a great many were shockingly mean and exclusionary. I won’t highlight the nasty remarks, but they came in waves from the Facebook sites of the Deseret News, LDS Living, the Daily Herald, and other publications along the Wasatch Front.


These commenters are our friends and neighbors. And, regrettably, on social media, these friends and neighbors pointed their fingers and mocked a young gay valedictorian, just because he delivered a BYU-approved speech at his commencement. It was a surreal moment as the comment sections became a “great and spacious building,” as spoken of in Lehi’s vision in the Book of Mormon, full of detractors scoffing at LGBTQ members of the church pressing onward towards the tree of life.


The fruit of the tree of life is the love of God. When the prophet Lehi tasted this fruit, the thing he wanted most was to share it with his family. LGBTQ individuals do not reside in a vacuum. They are part of a family and a part of a home.

Inclusive homes know just as much as Lehi did that the love of God is desirable above all other fruit. These families are no longer persuaded to leave their LGBTQ children and siblings behind. And as they press forward together, the sad commentary is that they are met with self-righteous and snide remarks flung from a foundationless gallery of cowardly spectators.


This is unfortunate.


We are now living in a home-centered, church-supported era. And as these wonderful, supportive LGBTQ inclusive homes point the way to health and eternal safety, they are worthy of all our support.

To Matt Easton, I applaud your courage and your journey. I support you and I support your home, a home which you so vulnerably shared a small part of in your speech to a world of strangers. I am filled with much hope and optimism by you and by all my LGBTQ siblings who are unashamedly themselves. You do not need the approval of those calling to you from the great and spacious building.


Press forward!


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Left Behind with Danielle Steel and a Wednesday Night Testimony Meeting

Why do you think your books are so appealing to so many people?

I write about the struggles, defeats and victories we all experience in a wide variety of situations, and I think people get caught up in the stories and identify with them and the characters because they see themselves in them. And often, readers find hope in what I write, that they, too, will survive whatever they’re going through.

Danielle Steel


… sometimes I do some religious reading, to clear my head, or help me find the answer to some problem I’m struggling to find a solution to, or an answer that eludes me. It’s not for everyone, I realize, but it helps me to problem solve when I’m really stumped.

Danielle Steel


And among the papers, I found some things that had inspired me and I was happy to find. And I thought I’d share two of them with you here, about love, and life.
The first one was written by Mary Baker Eddy: “I make strong demands on love, call for active witnesses to prove it, and noble sacrifices and grand achievements as its results. Unless these appear, I cast aside the word as a sham and counterfeit, having no ring of the true metal. Love cannot be a mere abstraction, or goodness without activity and power”. I like that one a lot.

Danielle Steel


In my earliest days on the streets, on a night when several disturbing-looking people ran up to me, I pulled myself together and thought, If Jesus came to me looking like this man, would I run? Or would I stand right where I am, face him, and embrace him? I forced myself to see Jesus in him every time I saw someone who scared me, and eventually I felt blessed, not frightened.  And the people who seemed so upsetting to me melted into kind people, who welcomed us into their world.  That vision worked for me.

Danielle Steel

A Gift of Hope

Helping The Homeless



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April 29, 2019
It’s a particularly special day for me because it’s the birthday of my late son Nick. It was a perfect day for a birthday. I invite friends to dinner every year on that day, just close friends, for a quiet dinner, to remember his birthday and what a very special sweet boy he was. I loved the fact that he was born on May Day. And we’ll have lily of the valley on the table at dinner.


Thank you for sharing how you are going to spend Nick’s birthday with us. I wanted to share a simple Bible passage with you because it brought me healing over losing a family member to suicide. I needed to know that regardless of how he died [suicide] that he was still loved and safe as he continued on his journey. Below is the passage that set me free. I shared it at a Wednesday night testimony meeting not too long ago. Perhaps it will bring you comfort and peace on Nick’s birthday too. May it bring others who lost a loved one to suicide regardless of their denomination. May God bless us all.

Bible, King James Version

Rom.8 Verses 38 to 39

[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
[39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

*Danielle Steel was a student of Christian Science at one time.  Her books are loaded with the Christ message of finding hope and healing in the heart of darkness.

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Imagine Dragons Frontman Slams Conversion Therapy At 2019 Billboard Music Awards

Several articles and editorials have been written explaining why homosexuals cannot be admitted to membership.  One of these I wrote myself, the title: “Homosexuality Can Be Healed.”  All I can say in defense of myself for writing it is that it was based on information I thought was authentic, but which later was disproved …  If I were to write another article on the subject now, I would probably entitle it, “We’re ALL God’s Children.”

Former Editor of the CSPS [Christian Science Publishing Society],  C.S.B.

Houston, TX – October 11, 1986




Imagine Dragons Frontman Slams Conversion Therapy At Billboard Music Awards

Dan Reynolds urged the star-studded crowd to take action to “protect our LGBTQ youth.”
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I am proud to be a gay son of God – BYU Valedictorian, Matty Easton

I am not broken,” he continued in a speech that immediately went viral. “I am loved and important to the plan of our great creator. Each of us are.

Matt Easton


I am sure you helped someone that was sitting in the audience who was feeling desperate, you may have even saved a life. You have a full life ahead of you, filled with love companionship and adventure. Love is love. 

C. Weber

In Commencement Speech, Brigham Young Graduate ‘Proud to Be a Gay Son of God’

At a university where its honor code explicitly prohibits “homosexual behavior,” Matt Easton’s very public coming out was not without risk.

At a university that considers same-sex marriage a “serious transgression,” and where its honor code explicitly prohibits “homosexual behavior,” Matt Easton’s very public coming out was not without risk.


But Mr. Easton, the valedictorian of Brigham Young University’s political science department, put aside fears that he could be expelled and found the courage he said was inspired by a presidential candidate.

“I stand before my family, friends and graduating class today to say that I am proud to be a gay son of God,” he said last Friday in a commencement speech before 10,000 people inside the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah.

To his surprise, the crowd erupted into cheers.

“I am not broken,” he continued in a speech that immediately went viral. “I am loved and important to the plan of our great creator. Each of us are.”

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This Easter, we rise with Virginia Harris, C.S.B.!

This Easter, we rise!

by Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

In a Christian calendar filled with celebrations, memorials and historical events, this one day and its glorious lesson shines brightest of all.

Easter is the day that represents something momentous for all humanity to know and understand: The Resurrection of Jesus proved that his life is spiritual and not affected by a fatally-wounded material body. He overcame the violence and cruelty of religious and political hatred to demonstrate that his life is inseparable from eternal Life and wholly safe. Therefore, it is untouched by material conditions, despite what the crucifixion temporarily appeared to show.

Christians honor this day because it is a vital reminder of present spiritual power. The Christ-spirit that protected and lifted Jesus out of anguish and death is a gift from God, Spirit, to all of us, throughout all time. This Christ power is present and active, for everyone and every life. “He is risen!” for all humanity today.

Prayer and devotion by followers who are focused and centered unwaveringly on the life-affirming message of the Resurrection can have a powerful effect. The love and practice of the one Christ-spirit – true Christianity – is to eliminate any hint of separation from God and His sons and daughters, therefore there can be no division between them either. No Muslim, Jew, Hindu or Buddhist separated from Christian. It should be obvious, then, there are no nationalistic or regional divisions as well.

Let’s consider every area of distressing conflict, whether it is on a faraway border or in our own community. Can we Christians stand apart, mentally mute – and passively “walk by on the other side” in the face of hatred and discrimination? No…the demand is to prayerfully and defiantly rise in the conscious strength of one Christ, one Love for all our sisters, brothers and children. It is to know there is no power – no cruel violence – that can separate His children from the unconditional love of Christ and preserve all life. Let us pray that spiritual power inspires and guides practical wisdom wherever it is needed.

This Easter, more than ever, we must stand united, inseparable, and rise in our spiritual strength. In honor and celebration of the Resurrection let us commit our focus and devotion to the divine message, our love and practice of the divine nature, and our joyous expectation of the divine demonstration of universal life in Spirit.



Good Friday with Laura Moliter


e-inspire, April 19th, 2019

“…behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen:” (Luke 24: 4-6)


Good Friday- Jerusalem

Worshippers carry a large wooden cross during a Good Friday procession along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem’s Old City. REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD

As Easter arrives this year, why not pause and reflect on our own attitude and focus? Some women followers of Jesus had come to the tomb with burial spices, and were gazing into it, looking for their savior. The crucifixion has occurred, and their world seemed turned upside down.

These two men in their shining garments, angels of God’s wisdom, admonished them with a question. Why were they looking into the tomb, into darkness, into mortality, when the Christ was a living presence, risen, transcending the limits of death and the grave?

These radiant messengers instructed these mourning and fearing women to wake up to what was really going on. In this, we might also be well-advised. We can look to material life, time, the seeming end called “death” looming ahead of us. We can sink into fear and apathy and discouragement and limitation. Or we can seek our lives in Life itself. We can come to realize that what Jesus was proving, the overcoming of all material limits, was for our benefit. It was the demonstration of Life everlasting.

And this Life can’t be lived, the Christ-message honored, by gazing into an empty tomb, which holds only darkness and lies. Truth is realized, and healing goes on, as we allow ourselves to go and see the risen Christ—to celebrate the good news, the loving Word that has risen in our hearts and shines on our expansive lives!

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist

Massachusetts Bans Controversial ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy For Minors + Ellen DeGeneres


Several articles and editorials have been written explaining why homosexuals cannot be admitted to membership.  One of these I wrote myself, the title: “Homosexuality Can Be Healed.”  All I can say in defense of myself for writing it is that it was based on information I thought was authentic, but which later was disproved …  If I were to write another article on the subject now, I would probably entitle it, “We’re ALL God’s Children.”

Former Editor of the CSPS [Christian Science Publishing Society],  C.S.B.

Houston, TX – October 11, 1986



Massachusetts Bans Controversial ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy For Minors

“We’re saying that this dangerous, abusive behavior will not be tolerated,” a state lawmaker said of the discredited practice meant to change sexual orientation.

Therapists in Massachusetts can no longer practice so-called conversion therapy on minors, thanks to a new bill signed into law by the state Republican governor.

Gov. Charlie Baker signed legislation on Monday that prohibits licensed health care professionals from providing conversion therapy to patients under 18.

Governor Baker today signed HR140 into law and is proud of the Commonwealths history of support for equal rights and protecting all citizens against discrimination, Brendan Moss, a spokesman for the governor, told HuffPost on Monday.

With the new law, Massachusetts joins 15 other states and Washington, D.C., in banning the dangerous and discredited practice that attempts to change a persons sexual orientation or gender identity. Colorado will likely follow suit, with lawmakers there sending a bill  to Gov. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) last Friday for signing.

Per The Associated Press, conversion therapy can involve interventions ranging from talk to electric shock. In a 2009 report, the American Psychological Association found no evidence that performing conversion therapy on minors alters their sexual orientation. APA researchers condemned the practice, writing that it approaches homosexuality as a mental disorder, a concept that has been rejected by the mental health professions for more than 35 years. They found that negative side effects of conversion therapy can include depression, suicidality and anxiety.

We’re saying that this dangerous, abusive behavior will not be tolerated, said Massachusetts state Sen. Mark Montigny (D), who sponsored the state Senate version of the bill, after its passage in March.

The ban does not extend to the practices of religious leaders, nor does it address conversion therapy performed on adults.

According to  The Republican, a Massachusetts-based newspaper,Baker signed the bill over objections from Republicans in the state Senate who felt the ban would infringe upon therapists free speech rights, as well as the right of parents to make decisions for their children.

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Gus Kenworthy accepts the Point Leadership Award


“I was finally free from the shackles of my own mind,” he explained. “I hadn’t done anything, except for the fact that I was finally competing as myself.” 

Gus Kenworthy




Gus Kenworthy: ‘My Time Spent In The Closet Is A Blur Of Depression And Anxiety’

At the Point Foundation’s 2019 gala in New York, the Olympian recalled the challenges he faced before embracing his true self.
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Hoping for change, Chicago elects Lightfoot as first female black mayor – The Christian Science Monitor

In an act rarely seen in a democracy after an election, the winner and the loser of a mayoral contest in Chicago met on April 3, the day after a fierce campaign in which the two candidates shared plenty of name-calling. Their joint postelection appearance – so different than the usual late-night phone call to concede or congratulate – was notably friendly. The two held hands in prayer and promised to work together.
“Our differences are nothing compared with what we can achieve together,” said Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot of her defeated opponent Toni Preckwinkle, both of whom are black women and progressive Democrats in the nation’s third-largest city.

By the Monitor’s Editorial Board

April 3, 2019


“Out there tonight a lot of little girls and boys are watching. They’re watching us, and they’re seeing the beginning of something, well, a little bit different,” Ms. Lightfoot told a jubilant crowd at a downtown hotel. “They’re seeing a city reborn.”


Hoping for change, Chicago elects Lightfoot as first female black mayor

On a historic night in Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city elected Lori Lightfoot as mayor. Ms. Lightfoot – who won all 50 wards – will be the first African American woman and the first openly gay person to lead the city. She will be sworn in on May 20.

Nam Y. Huh/AP
After being elected Chicago’s next mayor, Lori Lightfoot speaks at her election night party on April 2, 2019, in Chicago. Ms. Lightfoot will be the first African American woman and first openly gay person to lead the city.
csm masthead

Chicago Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot’s resounding victory was a clear call for change at City Hall and a historic repudiation of the old-style, insider politics that have long defined the nation’s third-largest city.

Ms. Lightfoot, a former federal prosecutor who’d never been elected to public office, defeated Cook County Board President and longtime City Council member Toni Preckwinkle on Tuesday with backing from voters across the city. Late results showed Ms. Lightfoot winning every one of the city’s 50 wards.

Ms. Lightfoot also made history, becoming the first black woman and the first openly gay person to be elected Chicago mayor. Chicago will become the largest U.S. city to have a black woman serve as mayor when Ms. Lightfoot is sworn in May 20. She will join seven other black women currently serving as mayors in major U.S. cities, including Atlanta and New Orleans, and will be the second woman to lead Chicago.

“Out there tonight a lot of little girls and boys are watching. They’re watching us, and they’re seeing the beginning of something, well, a little bit different,” Ms. Lightfoot told a jubilant crowd at a downtown hotel. “They’re seeing a city reborn.”

She pledged to make Chicago “a place where your zip code doesn’t determine your destiny,” to address the city’s violence and to “break this city’s endless cycle of corruption” that allows politicians to profit from their office.

Ms. Lightfoot emerged as the surprising leader in the first round of voting in February when 14 candidates were on the ballot to succeed Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who decided against running for a third term.

She seized on outrage over a white police officer’s fatal shooting of black teenager Laquan McDonald to launch her reformer campaign. She got in the race even before Mr. Emanuel announced he wouldn’t seek re-election amid criticism for initially resisting calls to release video of the shooting.

Joyce Ross, a resident of the city’s predominantly black West Side who is a certified nursing assistant, cast her ballot Tuesday for Ms. Lightfoot. Ms. Ross said she believes Ms. Lightfoot will be better able to clean up the police department and curb the city’s violence.

She was also bothered by Ms. Preckwinkle’s association with longtime Alderman Ed Burke, who was indicted earlier this year on charges he tried to shake down a restaurant owner who wanted to build in his ward.

“My momma always said birds of a feather flock together,” Ms. Ross said.

Ms. Preckwinkle said she called Ms. Lightfoot Tuesday night to congratulate her on a “hard-fought campaign.”

“While I may be disappointed I’m not disheartened. For one thing, this is clearly a historic night,” she told a crowd gathered in her South Side neighborhood. “Not long ago two African American women vying for this position would have been unthinkable. And while it may be true that we took two very different paths to get here, tonight is about the path forward.”

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From Fragments to More than Enough with Danielle Steel


“..sometimes I do some religious reading, to clear my head, or help me find the answer to some problem I’m struggling to find a solution to, or an answer that eludes me. It’s not for everyone, I realize, but it helps me to problem solve when I’m really stumped.”

Thank you for sharing this with us, Danielle.

I also made it through unthinkable hardships from prayer too. For me, hope is the belief and expectation that we will make it because all things are possible with God. The Bible story you referenced is proof of that. I would like to add to your wonderful post that Jesus first gave thanks which I feel was key to the abundance received.


The idea that we can start again, start fresh, recover and be ‘resurrected’ gives me so much hope—that we can come out of those bad times and be ‘reborn’, maybe with some scars, but we are back in the game again. That idea has kept me going through some very hard times.”

Thank you for this. Life doesn’t hit much harder than losing a child. Thus I find what you shared valuable because you demonstrated getting back up after unthinkable pain.

I can’t say enough that we are blessed to have you in the world. Reading your post brought me peace.


Rob Scott


On a more serious note, sometimes I do some religious reading, to clear my head, or help me find the answer to some problem I’m struggling to find a solution to, or an answer that eludes me. It’s not for everyone, I realize, but it helps me to problem solve when I’m really stumped. And recently, I was reading some passages that I find meaningful in The Bible. Some of the passages are particularly meaningful to me, and seem applicable to our ordinary lives. And while doing some reading, I came across the story about feeding a crowd of five thousand, with five loaves of bread and two fishes. Now that is a major culinary feat even greater than feeding my own small army of nine kids!!! What always jumps out at me in that story is the word “Fragments”, pieces. They didn’t even have five neat loaves of bread, and two whole fishes—they had fragments of them. Just pieces. It reminded me of my own life at times, when I have ‘pieces’ of what I need, but not the whole answer or solution to a problem. You sit there pondering your life, and think—-now what am I going to do with this mess?? With not enough of anything you think you need. For me, the story is about making do with what you’ve got, and somehow making it work, if at all possible, with not enough money, or not enough time, or just no obvious answer to a problem. It’s about being ingenious and somehow making it work. In the Bible, they fed five thousand people with ‘fragments’ of too little that they had in the first place. And how often are we faced with having ‘fragments’ of what we need, and not enough whole anything to go around? It happens to us all in some way, we desperately want a promotion, and a raise—-and we get one or the other, or neither one. They offer you a terrific new title, but no more money. Or the money, and not the glory of the new title you deserve. Or we’re looking for a new home, with our own set ideas and real needs, we need so many bedrooms, have definite ideas about what neighbourhood works best for us, and is okay, maybe a garage or some parking space, and then we add the cherry on top in our dreams, and would love to have lots of light so it’s cheery, and maybe we throw in a fireplace, and a view. And of course we only find part of what we want, and less than what we think we need. The place you find is bright and cheerful and light, but doesn’t have enough bedrooms, or is in an iffy neighbourhood, too far from where you work. Or there is a view, but the kitchen is smaller than a phone booth, and so few bedrooms you’d have to give up half your kids (just kidding). Or only one bathroom for all of you. We get fragments of what we need, and have to figure out if we can make it work, and what really matters to us, and what can we give up, and if we want to. It happens in relationships too, the person you love has some fantastic traits, but also some really unfortunate ones. Can you make it work with that combination of traits? Do they have only fragments of what you need in a partner, enough to make a life with them? Should you settle for less than what you want (and need)? Can you make it work? Fragments or the whole deal?? Life seems to be a series of compromises, and I don’t know about you, but more often than not, I have been faced with fragments of what I hoped for, and have to figure out how to make that work, or if I can. But it has been very rare in my life to get the whole enchilada on a silver platter. (Once in a great while, but not very often!!!). I like the reminder of the image of having to make life work when you only get fragments of what you wanted, or thought you couldn’t live without. Sometimes you can make some amazing adjustments to make the ‘fragments’ work and it turns out to be enough in ways you never expected, and sometimes you just can’t pull it off and shouldn’t even try. The challenges we all face one way or another.

The other concept that comes up in Christian religions at this time of year, which is my favorite, is the idea of “Resurrection”/Rebirth/Starting fresh/Starting new. The roof crashes down on us all at various times in our lives, we have a bad year, or even a bad run of years, the failure of a marriage, a business, a major loss, a huge disappointment, or a string of smaller ones, or bad health, or financial troubles. There are times when we have just been pummeled by life and feel as though we’re at the bottom of the barrel and will never get up again.  We feel dead. The idea that we can start again, start fresh, recover and be ‘resurrected’ gives me so much hope—that we can come out of those bad times and be ‘reborn’, maybe with some scars, but we are back in the game again. That idea has kept me going through some very hard times. Resurrection, more than any other religious concept, which applies to our lives, I really love that one.

Danielle Steel


*Danielle Steel was a student of Christian Science at one time.  Her books are loaded with the Christ message of finding hope and healing in the heart of darkness.

Danielle Steel at White Dinner, Paris

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Governor of Puerto Rico Signs Executive Order Banning ‘Conversion Therapy’ for Minors – The New York Times


“I firmly believe that the idea that there are people in our society who need treatment because of their gender identity or whom they love is not only absurd, it is harmful,”.

“Today we take a step forward to raise awareness among the people about this type of practice that causes pain and suffering,” Governor Rosselló said Wednesday.

March 27, 2019

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said.CreditCarlos Giusti/Associated Press


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Governor of Puerto Rico Signs Executive Order Banning ‘Conversion Therapy’ for Minors

The governor of Puerto Rico signed an executive order on Wednesday banning so-called conversion therapy for gay or transgender minors on the island.

The decision came after Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives refused to vote on a bill that would have prohibited conversion therapy, a discredited practice that proponents claim can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The measure passed the Senate this month.

“I firmly believe that the idea that there are people in our society who need treatment because of their gender identity or whom they love is not only absurd, it is harmful to so many children and young adults who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect,” Gov. Ricardo A. Rosselló said in a statement last week announcing his plans.

The push to ban so-called gay conversion therapy has accelerated across the United States in recent years. The practice has been banned in 15 states and in Washington so far. The Colorado Senate this week passed a bill to prohibit the practice as well, and Gov. Jared Polis has said he will sign it.

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Almost Heaven with Pastor’s son Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon – American Idol

God Bless you.

Katy Perry

I was in all when he said “All of my religion has been stripped down to I Love You no matter what” Oh Jeremiah you made my day with your beautiful song. You are already a winner to me. Bless your heart. I can’t wait to listen to more of your music.

Nancy Rodriquez

LOVE this guy…I actually feel his inner turmoil, and I wish him a peace and joy that only God can give him…NO MATTER WHAT, GOD DOES LOVE YOU, SO DON’T STOP LOVING YOURSELF🤗🥰🤗🥰🤗

Mrs. connie

No family waiting for him?? I would gladly be his substitute Mom, i’ll cheer for him and wait for him behind any door he wants to open💖

Sheryl Scott

Shame on anyone who made this man feel less than absolutely extraordinary. What an incredible artist. He belongs everywhere .
Meghan Boudreau



Huff Post


Church Janitor Earns Judges’ Hallelujahs On ‘American Idol’

“Do you know how good you are?” Katy Perry asked Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon.

Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon said his ballad on Sunday’s “American Idol”questions whether there’s a place for him in heaven.


But after his audition, he at least knows he’s going to Hollywood.


Harmon, a 25-year-old janitor at the church where his dad is a pastor, wowed the judges with his original song “Almost Heaven.” Judge Lionel Richie urged him to “lose the broom,” and said his “incredible” voice had “passed” another piano man, Billy Joel.


“Do you know how good you are?” said Katy Perry, who noted that she also is a “PK” (pastor’s kid).


Harmon’s humble performance (watch above) resonated even without his back story, but this being “American Idol,” we got that, too. It seems his family’s reaction when he came out as gay three years ago affected him deeply.


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Mission Possible with Laura Moliter

e-inspire, March 19th, 2019

“…do everything you can to present yourself to God as a man who is fully genuine, a worker unashamed of your mission, a guide capable of leading others along the correct path defined by the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2: 15, Voice Translation)

You are a leader. Don’t think otherwise. As you’ve been awakened to God’s goodness, His Truth, His healing Word to you, this makes you a vital force in the world.

God has endowed you with His qualities and the awareness of them. Don’t be shy about utilizing your gifts—His gifts to you—by helping others, leading with words and deeds. And let go of any reason to hide or be ashamed because you are a believer in Truth. It is an honor to have a mission with the purpose that is truly and always Love.

Take hold of your divine purpose, without apology, limiting conditions, or justifications. Do everything you can to be true to that inherent calling. For to live as God’s own representative is not to be arrogant or judgmental or full of pride and human intellectualism. It is to be fully genuine. It is to be sincere. It is to humbly recognize that the very Source of all that we are and all that we do, is God. His wisdom shines through us and His mission is one that He has given us, along with all that is needed to humbly, gratefully, capably carry it out.

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist


A prayer of unity for New Zealand – The Christian Science Monitor


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A prayer of unity for New Zealand

“Though our fears may estrange and divide us,/ May we seek to dissolve them through love” encourages the hymn cited in part in today’s column, which points to the power of divine Love to uplift and unify even in the face of extreme hate.

Though our fears may estrange and divide us,
May we seek to dissolve them through love.
We are sister and brother, each bound to the other,
One with our Father above.
One in purpose, one in power,
One in the Spirit, blessing each hour,
One in kindness, one in peace,
One in the Mind that makes all trouble cease.

– Mindy Jostyn, alt., “Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430-603,” No. 524, © CSBD


One Humanity in Love with Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

One Humanity in Love

“Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

This is the Christ-inspired thoughtfulness, a sense of unconditional love that uplifts thought and protects it from falling into fear, anger or despair. And it radiates out beyond each one’s thinking, unlimited and undiminished in its universal power to comfort and cherish.

The tragic events in New Zealand are not so far out of range of our good thoughts and the powerful Love we affirm. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that this time is “…one of New Zealand’s darkest days.” And she reminded the citizens – and all of the world – that there is no “other” or “foreigner” when describing the suffering Muslims, attacked while at prayer: “New Zealand is their home, they are us.”

Us. We. One in Love, inseparable from the divine Love that heals hearts of hate, anger, fear. What an embrace to affirm and demand to see lived. This is the Christly-power of universal love that has no restrictions, no geography, no religion…no hate or fear.

Today especially, we must fill our heart-consciousness with the love that divine Love provides, unrestricted and undiminished no matter what events in our communities or on the far side of the world report. Be as the early morning bird who sings in the dark, knowing without a single doubt, the morning will come, with comfort and peace.

“The darkest hour precedes the dawn.” ~

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures

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The Promise of God with Laura Moliter

e-inspire below originally aired February 28, 2019

“…keep watching! I will restore this city and heal the wounds of My people. I will lavish them with peace and stability.” (Jeremiah 33: 6, the Voice Translation)

This promise from God to Jeremiah may sound too good to be true. We may feel that our own wounds or those of the world are too deep, too devastating, too widespread.

But don’t let the mortal scene mesmerize you or make you hopeless or apathetic. Keep watching! Keep your gaze fixed on God and His powerful Truth, the reality of His governing authority and of His healing, saving Love—infinite, at hand, active.

We can eagerly expect goodness to abound and peace and stability to be seen. God not only provides foundation that is secure, but He lavishes it upon His people. His loving care is a tender healing balm, which restores us and also awakens us. Watching with faithfulness, we bear witness to harmonious resolutions. We are trusting God more than matter and mortal men, and this is salvation.

God’s restoration of our city and of our bodies is the natural action of divine Love and Life. Let’s do our best to watch, to realize, to accept the health and harmony God is ready to lavish upon us!

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist

(Photo by Paul Gilham/Getty Images)



The Gift of Christian Science – Answered Prayer

In the long term, and even the short term, individuals who have been healed of using drugs have had a deeper insight into who they are. These people were able to give up drugs through the realization at some level that they were not separate and alone, that God was with them and loved them. I’m not sure they would put it in those terms, although some do. But I think a sense of being loved really does make the difference.

The first drug czar speaks

From the October 2002 issue of The Christian Science Journal

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CLIP DESCRIPTION: The woman who hid Anne Frank during the holocaust, Miep Gies (Pat Carroll), comes to speak to Ms. Gruwell’s (Hilary Swank) class.


The gift of Christian Science

From the January 28, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

I am most grateful for Mary Baker Eddy giving the world Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, along with all her other writings. Even though she wrote in the later 19th and early 20th centuries, her works still meet the needs of all people today, and they will for centuries to come.

As a young child, I was brought up in another religion. Each week I sat restless in church as our pastor quoted something from the Bible and then gave the congregation his own inspiration on the subject. In Sunday School, we spent time on activities, but I didn’t feel I learned much about God or the Bible.

Over the next several years, my mom and dad, who have both passed on, fought a lot. Sometimes things got so severe that my mom and I would move to other cities, going to whatever church happened to be the closest to where we were at the time, and then after several months we’d move back home again. We moved back and forth more than five times before I was fifteen.

In my early adulthood I did not go to church, because I didn’t think there was any religion out there that had the same views about God’s love that I did. Previous pastors, almost every Sunday, would preach that if we didn’t live a certain way, we would never make it to heaven. This did not resonate well with me. I could not figure out why the Bible stated that God was loving and that Jesus bore our sins, but no matter how hard I tried I would not end up in heaven.

I began to go down the wrong path. Alcohol and marijuana took over. I went from job to job, never truly happy. I could think only about getting drunk or high. Amid this turmoil, I tried another little church that was close to where I lived, but some of their views did not sync up with how I felt inside.

Fast-forward several more years to when I met my soon-to-be husband. He had discovered Christian Science previously and attended a Church of Christ, Scientist, when he could. I went with him to a couple of testimony meetings, where people shared how the study and practice of Christian Science had led to healing, and I was thrilled that the readings were directly from the impersonal Christian Science pastor—the Bible and a book I knew little about, Science and Health.

As I listened to the readings from Science and Health, I was quick to realize that this was what I’d been looking for. I began coming to the services every week, and then joined a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, ultimately joining The Mother Church and taking Primary class instruction in Christian Science. I now want to be available to pray for others.

I had many healings within my first year of studying Christian Science, which was about four and a half years ago. I no longer have chronic stomach and back pain. An addiction to marijuana was healed; I realized I just didn’t want it anymore. I stopped drinking, too. I also learned that God is truly our source of supply. In various financial situations when an unexpected expense has come up, I have learned quickly that as we strive to express divine Principle and do what is right, our needs will be met. God will always take care of us and guide us to make better decisions.

I do not know where I would be today if it weren’t for Christian Science and the love that it emanates. I am very happy that I am a member of a church that welcomes everyone, no matter where they are on their own spiritual journey.

I have been blessed beyond measure, and I thank God for the gift of Christian Science.


Prisoners wearing pink triangles on their uniforms are marched outdoors by Nazi guards at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany on Dec. 19, 1938.

Prisoners wearing pink triangles on their uniforms are marched outdoors by Nazi guards at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany on Dec. 19, 1938.
CORBIS/Corbis—Getty Images
* Just as the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a yellow Star of David, they forced people they labeled as gay to wear inverted pink triangles (or ‘die Rosa-Winkel’). Those thus branded were treated as “the lowest of the low in the camp hierarchy,” as one scholar put it.
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All call him friend,
This man who never
Acclaim for word or deed;
Who never turns a deafened ear
To those who seem in need.
A man who never speaks of
Unless he can commend,
But never leaves unsaid the
That urge an upward trend.
He stands not in the market
That all may see and hear;
His one desire, to bring the light
To those enslaved by fear.
No! Fame is not his goal;
With himself plays no part;
Yet none forget the day
They look within his heart.
Yes, such a one is—friend.
Metta K. Leglerjunkin
November 1935 The Christian Science Journal
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NJ’s LGBT school curriculum ‘accurate, inclusive, and respectful’

Winston Churchill once said, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” This notion fails to understand the limitations of our understanding of history. History is written by the victors and more often than not, the victors are the people in power – the people with privilege. For so long, marginalized communities were forced to live in the shadows, while there are still countless obstacles for those facing oppression, ensuring fair and equal historical representation is the first of many steps in making sure everyone has a voice.
It is my hope that with this legislation we can change our culture and foster new generations of students that understand the importance of tolerance and equality.

Valerie Vainieri Huttle, D-Englewood, represents the 37th Legislative District in the New Jersey General Assembly.


Huttle: NJ’s LGBT curriculum ‘accurate, inclusive, and respectful’


“Way to go, New Jersey – you change history and now it’s Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve.”

“I’m not for it. Either way, how I raise my kids is my business, not the school’s or government’s.”

“It’s so dumb. How about you teach the kids real history?”

These are examples of criticisms facing the new LGBT-inclusive curriculum law in New Jersey. Just recently, Gov. Phil Murphy made New Jersey the second state in the nation to require boards of education to adopt school curriculum that accurately portrays the contributions of persons with disabilities and the LGBT community.

Let’s be clear: This law is not pandering to a specific community and it is not the government intruding on the way that parents should be raising their children. This law ensures that our curriculum will be fair, accurate, inclusive and respectful of the contributions made by disabled persons and the LGBT community.

Our school curriculums ensure that students understand the contributions of Greek philosophers and Roman emperors, so why are our students not educated on the career of Harvey Milk or the activism of Marsha P. Johnson, who was long left out of the narrative surrounding the 1969 Stonewall riots? Likewise, the stories of the disabled community deserve to be heard and remembered; history shouldn’t stop with Helen Keller, her achievements though incredible, are not the sole achievements of the disabled community.

Winston Churchill once said, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” This notion fails to understand the limitations of our understanding of history. History is written by the victors and more often than not, the victors are the people in power – the people with privilege. For so long, marginalized communities were forced to live in the shadows, while there are still countless obstacles for those facing oppression, ensuring fair and equal historical representation is the first of many steps in making sure everyone has a voice.

In 2011, Governor Christie signed my landmark legislation the “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act” – this law strengthened the procedures for preventing, reporting, investigating and responding to incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying of students at school. This law is one of my greatest achievements and I believe expanding New Jersey’s school curriculum to be more inclusive was the logical next step.

A 2017 online survey by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) found that seventy-nine percent of LGBT students in New Jersey have regularly faced homophobic remarks, with 14 percent hearing such remarks from school staff. Twenty percent had faced physical harassment or assault during the past year. These numbers are alarming, and they made it clear that there is much more work to be done to ensure that all students, regardless of ability, sexual orientation or gender identity, have a safe place to learn and grow.

More: How will LGBT history be taught in New Jersey schools after new law?

Studies show that schools with inclusive curriculum have significantly less bullying around sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; this law will take a significant step forward in improving school climate for everyone. We are at a point in our nation’s history where divisiveness and hate feel commonplace. It is my hope that with this legislation we can change our culture and foster new generations of students that understand the importance of tolerance and equality.

So yes, way to go New Jersey, we are teaching our kids real and comprehensive history.

Valerie Vainieri Huttle, D-Englewood, represents the 37th Legislative District in the New Jersey General Assembly. She was one of the primary sponsors of the LGBT curriculum legislation.

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Image: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy speaks during a news conference talking about an expected snowstorm
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New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy [above] signed legislation mandating that the state’s schools include instruction on the contributions of LGBTQ people.Julio Cortez / AP
*New Jersey is now the second state, after California, to require schools to adopt an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum. California’s Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful Education (FAIR) Act took effect on Jan. 1, 2012.