Real Purpose with Laura Moliter

e-inspire, originally aired February 12th, 2019

He delivered us and saved us and called us with a holy calling [a calling that leads to a consecrated life—a life set apart—a life of purpose], not because of our works [or because of any personal merit—we could do nothing to earn this], but because of His own purpose and grace [His amazing, undeserved favor] which was granted to us in Christ Jesus before the world began [eternal ages ago]…” (II Timothy 1: 9, Amplified Bible)

You have always had a holy purpose. God has a divine intention for you and the way in which you actively express His qualities, His Life, His Love.

We are uniquely blessed by our calling. We may feel that we don’t know what we are doing or exactly what will give our lives meaning, our hearts joy and contentment. But God does know us and what we can do, what best serves His design, the one which He has known forever, and which can’t be lost.

The fact that you may yearn to truly know what will make your life both sing and be impactful, is already a sign that God has made you with a very certain plan for which you are absolutely ready. And this, not because you have accomplished human things or proved yourself in some arbitrary way that society may venerate. It is because of His Love.

God’s amazing grace has made you to fulfill His purpose by being you. This is what the Christ-Truth reveals. We are each formed to bear witness to God in wonderfully singular ways, and there will always be a place prepared for us to express His goodness as only we can do. Your life is set apart, not because it is lonely or difficult, but because it is unlike anyone else’s and prepared especially for the beauty, the glory, that is you!

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist

Dropping the weight of discouragement with Mark Swinney, C.S.B.


Dropping the weight of discouragement

Excerpt below from the February 11, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

As we are learning more about our relation to God, divine Spirit, there really isn’t a specifically defined finish line or stopping point along the way. The objective is the joy of loving God, expanding our recognition of all that God is and does, and tangibly experiencing His goodness. It is from this vantage point that Jesus encouraged us to redefine our life priorities. He said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33).

This kind of spiritual “race” doesn’t have to be a sprint. In fact, it’s not a competition at all. It is important, though, to keep moving. It can be tempting to stop and loiter in materialism or to become mired in selfishness and pride. But I’ve found that the effort to keep moving forward, to be aware of the presence of God, whom the Bible calls Love (see I John 4:8), is what truly satisfies and gives life solid meaning, bringing joy, progress, and healing into our lives.

In her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, shares this encouraging insight: “If the disciple is advancing spiritually, he is striving to enter in. He constantly turns away from material sense, and looks towards the imperishable things of Spirit. If honest, he will be in earnest from the start, and gain a little each day in the right direction, till at last he finishes his course with joy” (p. 21).

One time years ago, I remember praying for myself more than I ever thought I could pray. My foot hadn’t grown correctly, and I’d lived with it for so long that it really seemed to be a part of my permanent identity. I’d read about the way Jesus turned to God in order to heal people, and I wanted so much to experience this, too.

As I prayed month after month, I carried some mental weights—discouragement was the heaviest. The “distance” remaining before being healed felt like a complete mystery, and quite often I felt like giving up.

Then a key change in perspective took place: I saw that instead of plodding along mentally, vaguely wishing for things to get better, I could strive to know the truth of how God had created me, and everyone. Not long after this change of motive and outlook, I realized that I was completely healed. (You can read more about this healing and the ideas that especially inspired me along the way in “The quest of mankind,” The Christian Science Journal, May 1991.)

Was that my finish line? No way. Certainly, I was delighted about the healing. But it wasn’t the end of my journey of spiritual growth. I was enjoying it too much to stop! Such progress Godward is my continuing “race,” and I love it like nothing else.

Not long after this change of outlook, I realized that I was completely healed.

Science and Health says: “The discoverer of Christian Science finds the path less difficult when she has the high goal always before her thoughts, than when she counts her footsteps in endeavoring to reach it. When the destination is desirable, expectation speeds our progress. The struggle for Truth makes one strong instead of weak, resting instead of wearying one” (p. 426).

Pain and limitation, discouragement and resentment, are weights that we are never required to carry along with us. We have the God-given ability to let them go. Instead, there is such goodness in God to discover and cherish. The more we come to know and appreciate our spiritual identity and purpose, the less limited our lives will seem. When God’s truth becomes what we know—even just a little bit—and love, it affects everything we experience. All along our way, the Spirit that is Love is expressing in us selflessness, beauty, grace, even majesty. On the strength of God, we can go forward each day, truly enjoying the victory of every spiritual step of growth.


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You Are the complete and perfect reflection of What Is with Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

Where art thou, thought?

Helloooo…? Where is your thought right now? Are you disturbed, afraid or frustrated by something not working out the way you think it should – in a relationship, your career, or your health?

Are you caught up in the murky pit of “What If”: what if the relationship can’t be fixed, what if I lose my job and have no money, what if this body condition becomes something serious, etc. There’s an answer!

There is a counter-fact to despair: “What Ifs” are entirely made up! They exist in the shadow of speculation run wild. In other words, they are your own concept of a circumstance – a “just supposing” – that feels real, scary and unsolvable. As such, the only power the shadow has is what you give to it.

“What Ifs” attempt to deny What Is! The spiritual immutable truth about you is that you are the inseparable reflection of the one only all-knowing, all-loving, all-living God. It is your divine right to be consciously aware of what is true. You can never be sucked in to the dark “What Ifs” when you know what is true – the truth, that you are only what God has created you to be and that God holds all in divine good. Since you are capable of this understanding, you will inevitably see harmony restored in whatever the circumstance.

Do you know how many times Mary Baker Eddy uses the adjective “so-called” in her best-selling book, Science and Health? 183 times! It always refers to a supposed condition, some alleged power opposed to God, something unreal about the real you. Here are just a few applications: so-called belief, so-called matter, so-called disease, so-called physical laws, so-called superiority of so-called mortal mind! Eddy wants to ensure that the seeker clearly understands: These are all illusions!

“The so-called laws of health are simply laws of mortal belief.” – Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy

Thought, where art thou? Have you ever asked yourself, Why is this happening to me? The helpful/healing question to ask is, Why is this discordant condition, the rocky relationship, diminishing finances, poor health, not true? This right question brings forward the right response – of what is true.

Here are a few ways to prevent “What Ifs” and “So-Calleds” from taking up bandwidth in thought:

  • Stop being a witness to the discord. Know that you are the onlywitness, and that your concept is all there is to this illusion. Change your concept and you dispel the illusion.
  • Don’t respond or react to the situation as if it is true, and you begin to separate your [false] attachment to it.
  • Your response can only be based on Principle, God – you are God’s idea and therefore inseparable from the Principle of scientific being.
  • You are the effect, the perfect reflection, of the all-knowing Mind. Right now you know all you need to know to see and demonstrate What Is.

You Are the complete and perfect reflection of What Is.

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Mother God


Like as a mother, God comforteth His children; 
   Comfort is calm, that bids all tumult cease; 
Comfort is hope and courage for endeavor, 
   Comfort is love, whose home abides in peace.

(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 174, © CSBD) 

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Divine Trust in the Majority Rule with Virginia Harris, C.S.B.


Divine Trust in the Majority Rule

Many regions in the world these days seem to be in uncharted territory: vital government services are partially shut down over congressional budget disagreements in the US, forceful demonstrations clash in the streets of Europe, and the UK Parliament is at an impasse on a plan to separate from the European Union. These national disturbances and discord are stressful for all citizens and threaten a country’s ability to function for its welfare and safety.

This is not the time to point fingers and assign blame. “Blame-shaming” is never a productive strategy: it’s like multiple hammers attempting to break through the other side’s position to claim victory. One could easily make the case it has made opinions and positions even more entrenched.

Hopeless? Time to turn away from the black mass of noisy, unproductive human opinions. Instead, turn to this: Everyone, regardless of position, must be seen in the light of truth that casts no shadows. “God is…the only intelligence of the universe, including man.” (Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy)

Is divine intelligence up to the challenge of so many conflicting minds in a nation’s government? Wendell Phillips, staunch abolitionist who never stopped fighting for racial and gender equality in America’s pre- and post-Civil War era stated, “One on God’s side is a majority.” What hope and trust he gave to the Divine – what power he saw! Especially in a time of incredible conflict.

Truly, divine intelligence is the only power that overcomes all unprincipled opposition.

In a recent article in The Christian Science Monitor about the shutdown of government in America, the writers identified a cause in Congress apparently preventing bipartisan solutions: a trust deficit. “Lack of trust can hinder any negotiation, but it’s especially harmful in politics, where compromise is increasingly portrayed by activists on both sides as capitulation.”

Whenever the trust is in human efforts, no matter how well-meaning, it has a potential for not being fulfilled. However, trusting in the divine Principle to function harmoniously and guide wisely for the benefit of all – regardless of the human condition – will yield progress. It is inevitable. Anything unwise and unjust must yield to the power of Principle. This is the universal law that operates with no opposition. This majority rules. Trust in it.

“Step by step will those who trust Him find that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’“ – Mary Baker Eddy

There is  no “trust deficit” when our trust is in the Divine – only abundant good!


Standing with Virginia Harris, C.S.B., in Prayer for Children Everywhere


New Year’s Prayer for Children Everywhere

The world’s children have long been included in my daily prayers: the protection of their health and safety, their innocence and joy. The current news reports describing quite a different picture might tempt one to feel helpless and even hopeless, but our children will not be helped if we give in to despair. No, I refuse to accept this verdict on our children – they are inseparable now from the love of God, their divine Parent. Instead, I am impelled to persist in my prayer to the one all-mighty God of Love to comfort and care for each little one. And I pray that divine wisdom demands right action by governments, for humanity’s sake.

Mother’s New Year Gift to the Little ChildrenMary Baker Eddy

Father-Mother God,

Loving me, –

Guard me when I sleep;

Guide my little feet

Up to Thee.

May all the world’s children – and all of us too! – feel the comfort and effect of this prayer, embraced by the arms of divine Love.


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LGBT Youth [above] at NYC’s Ali Forney Center Get Thanksgiving Visit From Madonna

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Prince William above with our youth


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The teachings of Christian Science plant our hopes for the present and the future on stable ground.


A Christmas Gift from Mary Baker Eddy



Timeless and universal excerpt from the December 29, 2008 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel


O blessings infinite! O glad New Year! Sweet sign and substance Of God’s presence here.


The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 354


The Apostle Peter, who faced his share of struggles, must have understood this concern when he wrote, “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (I Pet. 3:15).

There are bedrock spiritual reasons for hope, even in troubled times, and the teachings of Christian Science show the way to plant our hopes for the present and the future on stable ground. I feel that the best hope, the brightest opportunity available to humanity, resides in our understanding of God. Of His nature and constant care. I’m finding, for instance, that getting to know God as the divine Principle, the source of the spiritual laws of life, gives me reasonable grounds to expect only good. These laws—all of which stem from the First Commandment to have one God and love Him unconditionally—govern His creation in a supremely harmonious fashion.

Newness is actually an attribute of God; as such, it is divine inspiration revealing insights perfectly timed and appropriate to meet pressing needs of both individuals and society. Part of the appeal of spiritual ideas from God is that they point out higher, practical ways to bring improvement and solutions. Jesus promised, “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him” (Matt. 6:8).the teachings of Christian Science show the way to plant our hopes for the present and the future on stable ground.

The adoption of a spiritual model of life naturally begins with individual thought and spreads out to the collective thinking, in what is sometimes called a ripple effect. Liberating ideas may have modest beginnings, but allowed to flow out in wider and more expansive ways, they eventually touch a larger and larger body of thought.

What strikes me about that passage is how different it sounds from what are commonly called “New Year’s resolutions.” Each year many resolve to make changes for good in their lives. These resolutions are always well intended, but people so often find it hard to make permanent their desire for improvement. What Mrs. Eddy suggested is an entirely new approach to resolutions—moments of dedicating one’s self to a holy purpose. In other words, being God-centered, rather than self-oriented. I believe that part of the change we’re seeing in the world is a growing awareness of the advantage, and importance, of serving a higher purpose rather than promoting oneself. Bringing greater recognition that such resolutions naturally manifest the spiritual nature of newness, could have a powerful effect for the benefit of all, promoting the kind of change citizens around the world are yearning for.

Answers to problems don’t always come in the form of gandiose plans, or in all-at-once changes. Turning the world’s economy around, or improving a family’s financial footing, could very well start with a “baby idea” and ripple out moment by moment over the course of years. Central to Christian Science is the view of God as the Creator of the universe and as its governing Principle. It’s acknowledged that there is a holy purpose to His creation, and that at this very moment “God is working His purpose out” (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 82). As a result, we can begin to understand that all the good that goes on in our lives and our world is “renewable,” and traces back to a divine plan.

As we focus our attention on finding fresh approaches to solving the global financial crisis, armed conflicts, rising unemployment, AIDS, environmental concerns, it’s important to fix our sights on spiritual reality. Stable answers can’t be measured in the stock market or home values, in voting demographics, pollutant levels, barrels of oil, or by any other material factor.

Viewing the state of humanity in this manner reminds me of the time Jesus, the master Christian, rebuked a group of Pharisees and Sadducees who were demanding that he “shew them a sign from heaven.” He pointed out that they were pretty adept at reading “the face of the sky,” but woefully lacking when it came to discerning “the signs of the times” (see Matt. 16:1-3). Jesus went on to warn his followers about the dangers of listening to those who only looked at the outward appearance of things, and not at spiritual things.

While there are some benefits in studying statistical data, people intuitively understand that all the so-called “leading indicators” are seldom an accurate reflection of what they themselves are most concerned about. It’s true that people throughout the world gather around their kitchen tables and wonder how they’ll be able to care for their families, provide for their futures, and keep them safe and healthy—all of which are very legitimate concerns. Still, might these only mirror “the face of the sky”?

Whether it’s articulated this way or not, I think in their heart of hearts, what people most yearn for is a renewed sense of calm and peace of mind. And there’s a secret place within us all—that place of the Christ’s dawning—where we can discover Mind’s reassurance and feel Love’s amazing and fulfilling grace. God’s grace provides us with the intelligence and strength needed to meet life’s immediate and long-term challenges.

According to the Psalmist, God gives His angels charge over your life, “to keep thee in all thy ways” (Ps. 91:11). It’s truly comforting to know that our Father will always send His messages to help us and watch over us. In describing how God’s angels meet our needs, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies.” And she added these reassuring words: “Never ask for to-morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, p. 307).

God’s plan is completely separate from any worldly approach to finding answers to complex problems. His plan is made up of ideas that are spiritual and reflect divine wisdom and mercy, patience and power. God has created us all to understand these ideas and to know how best to implement them in our own lives—for the betterment of all. Each one of us expresses, in unique ways, the spiritual qualities that inspire new thinking and compel us to change.

God’s grace provides us with the intelligence and strength needed to meet life’s immediate and long-term challenges.


This new year does offer a reason for hope, renewal, opportunity. Everyone has a God-given right to live a life that increasingly expresses the infinite resources of Soul. As we better discern the spiritual “signs of the times,” we’ll see beyond forecasts that may focus on fear, and begin to see more of the modest reappearing of the Christ-idea and its wonderful promise of blessing. css


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[Of Special Interest to Children]

From the January 20, 1951 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

For three days the snow had been falling ever so gently, and now every clump of sagebrush and every twig looked as if it had been sprayed white for the Christmas season. The countryside appeared so soft, still, and peaceful that a Sunday School teacher broke into song as she drove toward the community schoolhouse where a Christian Science Society held its services and its Sunday School.

Soon she was in her class with a group of glowing-faced little girls about her. All wanted to talk at the same time, and the entire conversation was about snow— its beauty, its fun, and the snow men they had seen or made. This teacher had learned from experience that sometimes one can take the subject uppermost in the children’s thought and from it lead to the great truths of Christian Science. But how could a snow man be brought into the lesson? Immediately she recalled the verses she had pondered as she drove to Sunday School, and so she asked, “Did God create a snow man?”

“No,” they all said emphatically.

“Is he the real man, reflecting Life, Truth, and Love?” And again their answer was “No.”

Cathy volunteered that her daddy had made a snow man, but that he wasn’t really man.

“But he has eyes and ears,” persisted the teacher.

“They aren’t real,” remarked Alice; “just snow ones. The snow man can’t see with them or hear you talking to him.”

Then the teacher read to them what Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has to say about eyes and ears in the Christian Science text-book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” (pp. 586,585), and also the first six lines of the illuminating definition of man on page 475 of the same book.

She reminded them of what would happen to the snow man in the warm sunshine. Then she explained that mortal mind claims it makes man and makes him out of flesh, blood, and bones; and it calls this false creation, or mortal man, you and me. But when the rays of Truth shine on all the falsities that seem to make up a mortal, the mortal sense of man disappears, just as the snow man disappears, just the snow man disappears before the warm sunshine. But there is this difference: the sunshine of Truth that shows the unreality of mortal man reveals as ever present the true man, God’s man—pure, whole, spiritual, and free.

The teacher added that the image and likeness of God is the reflection of all that God is— Spirit, Mind, Life, Principle, Truth, Love, and Soul — and that the true selfhood, the real individuality, of each one is the real individuality, of each one is the likeness of God. Then she read to them from the textbook (P. 278) : “Divine metaphysics explains away matter. Spirit is the onyl substance and consciousness recognized by divine Science.”

All the little girls were very still as the teacher explained this to them, for they were glimpsing the truths which Christian Science reveals.


No Place Like [True] Home For Christmas


You Had the Power All Along, My Dear

Glinda, The Good Witch





Coming home

Excerpt below from the October 28, 1991 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel


Home obviously means far more than a physical place and comfort. “The feeling of being ‘at home’ is the feeling of belonging,” Linda Weltner, a perceptive essayist, writes in No Place Like Home. It is “a sense of the fitness of ‘having come down where we want to be,’ as the Shaker song puts it.”

There’s an even more basic coming home that isn’t dependent on a loved location at all but is the journey that brings one back to the soundest landmarks of the heart and soul.

The search for spiritual purpose seems to have a new openness and energy. People yearn to come home now to the values that they thought might have disappeared irrevocably in the decade just passed. They know there can be an end to violence and oppression and corruption as a way of life in cities, statehouses, and businesses—an end to feigned concern and practical indifference.

We belong to God—not the god in man’s image, the god no one can quite believe in, the god eternally on the lookout for sin, but the real God who is the source of whatever love and goodness and meaningfulness we’ve felt in our lives. Christ Jesus tells a parable about homecoming that never seems to lose its edge, no matter how often we hear it. The father forgives the prodigal son, and he says to the older son words that seem as much the essence of God’s message to us as any words in Scripture: “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.”

There’s nothing embarrassing or superstitious or unscientific about this relationship of ours to God. It is our connectedness to purpose and reality. In it we find healing and wholeness, and the true nature of our Life, which is God.

“When the human senses wake from their long slumber to see how soon earth’s fables flee and faith grows wearisome, then that which defies decay and satisfies the immortal cravings is sought and found,” writes Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science. “In the twilight of the world’s pageantry, in the last-drawn sigh of a glory gone, we are drawn towards God” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany).

We have doubted it long enough. We anticipate the joy of being where we belong, of being welcomed, wanted. Even heading in the right direction gives a feeling of being on course. Now it is the time for coming home.

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Atonement with Laura Moliter

e-inspire, December 12th

“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” (Matthew 6: 6, Message Bible)


I love the way this translation describes the most effective way to pray. Jesus is explaining to his followers how to truly connect with the divine presence and to feel the blessings that come of this awareness. Jesus knew well this practice and proved its potency in his incomparable life.
Make a space for quietness. Consciously choose to protect the time you share alone with God and to make it precious. This verse directs us to be simple and honest, to be ourselves with God and to focus on Him, rather than self. To commune in this way, we are less distracted by our own fears and limits. We are more ready to hear God’s answers, and to feel the Love that so naturally heals.
Worshiping with others can be wonderful, unifying, uplifting, and comforting. But, Jesus’s way, the quiet, humble, secluded time with our Father-Mother, is powerful. We have cleared a space meant just for prayer and have devoted these moments to this sole purpose. In our consecration, we have already chosen God over all else, and this is an open invitation to amazing grace.

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist

Spotlight Edition – Mel Reid, a 6-time Ladies European Tour Winner and LPGA golfer

Hi Rob,

I’m Mel Reid, a a 6-time Ladies European Tour winner and LPGA golfer.  I’ve always fought for equality, and now I’ve decided to come out as a gay woman and work with Athlete Ally to empower others to be themselves. Once you’ve read my story, please share on Facebook and Twitter.

Athlete Ally: What was your process like coming out to yourself, and then to loved ones? What surprised you?

Mel Reid: Looking back on it, I knew from quite a young age, but then never thought about it during my teenage years. It then crept up on me again when I started playing on Tour, meeting new people and traveling the world. I fell in love with a girl and I was excited about it, so I told my sister who was completely cool about it, and then my brother. My parents are older than most, but they couldn’t have been better about everything. They just assured me that as long as I love a good person, it doesn’t matter what race, gender or background they come from. I was very lucky my entire family is very liberal and embraced it totally.

How did you start playing golf, and what do you love about it?

I started playing golf because I used to play football (soccer for Americans) and my mum wanted to keep me occupied and busy during the summer holiday. She took me to the golf course that a few of my friends went to, and I fell in love with the social aspect of it, even though it’s an individual sport.

Nowadays, there are so many reasons why I love the game, but the biggest for me is how challenging it is, and that it really brings out your true character by exposing your weaknesses and more importantly your strengths. Plus, in my opinion, golf is one of the hardest sports on the planet to play, so when I play well it’s like a feeling I don’t get from anything else—complete euphoria

Melissa Reid hits the opening shot of the 2017 Solheim Cup. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)
How would having a more inclusive and representative golf community have changed your experiences as a pro golfer?

The Tour is a very welcoming community and it’s rare that anyone has an issue with sexuality or openly express any issues. The only problem we run into is that being gay is still illegal or frowned upon in certain countries we play in. There are also a lot of male-dominated sponsors that are looking for certain types of players, so that’s why I have felt I can’t be quite as open as I would like to be when it comes to my personal life.

I have always had good friends around me and supporting me, so I have never run into any huge issues with it during my career. The only issues I have had is when I have taken my girlfriend with me to dinners or awards, and I’m very conscious how I introduce her depending on the environment I’m in, because of the culture around the sport and the assumption that the sponsors would want to keep that part of my life quiet.


What changes do you hope to see in golf to make the sport more inclusive and representative?

I would love to see more women in business come forward and support women’s golf. At the LPGA, we have a great relationship with so many companies, but would love to have more women come to events and publicly support women in sport. I think this would make a big difference and create more exposure opportunities for us players. I’d also love to see more equipment companies in general support women and show our faces in stores and in ads.

Melissa Reid celebrates during the 2017 Solheim Cup in West Des Moines, Iowa.
(Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images)
What advice would you give to young LGBTQ athletes who are wondering if they can be themselves and play the sport they love?

I protected my sexuality for a long time because I thought I had to in order to help my career and to get more sponsors. But then I started to wonder why these companies would want to sponsor me and have me represent them if I can’t be my authentic self. There is only one of you in the world and you have one life, so be the best version of yourself and be proud of who you are. That’s when you attract the right people around you to make you better, and ultimately, happier.

How do you see Athlete Ally’s work as helping to make sport more open and inclusive, and why did you want to become an Athlete Ally Ambassador?

I wanted to be part of Athlete Ally because I feel it’s important for people to be themselves. Just because they love someone that may not be ‘socially correct’, it does not make them any less of a person. It’s important for me to always fight for equality. I’ve been fortunate to have a platform to reach a lot of people and I’ve tried to take advantage of that when I can. Athlete Ally helps spread that message even further and I’m very excited to join the team.

Thanks for reading, and please share my story on Facebook and Twitter!

Uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. With you, it gets better!

The It Gets Better Project inspires people across the globe to share their stories and remind the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth that hope is out there, and it will get better.

Dear Rob —

What an incredible year 2018 has been! Thanks to your support, our work has reached more LGBTQ+ youth around the globe than ever before. Here are some of our proudest achievements:

New Family: Our global affiliate network grew this year to include the United Kingdom, Argentina, and new leadership in India.

New Projects: The results from our 2017 Global Grants are in, and we couldn’t be prouder! This year, we’ve awarded eight new grants to organizations serving LGBTQ+ youth in Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay (x2), Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

New Experiences: We hosted two regional summits this year for our volunteer leaders across Europe and Latin America. We can’t wait for our first Global Summit to be held in conjunction with WorldPride in NYC next summer!

New Stories: This year alone, we’ve added over 300 new videos from all over the world to our online collection.

Please join us in 2019 as we continue to uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. With you, it gets better!

Justin Tindall
Director, Education and Global Programming
It Gets Better Project

A Christmas Gift from Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

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The Gift of the Christmas Amaryllis

Virginia Harris, C.S.B.

It’s in there. The complete, beautiful and full flower of the amaryllis is already included in the small bulb before your eyes. Can you see the promised effect? Not at this moment – but you know the flower’s perfection will come for you to see. You may be waiting, but the flower – what it is! – is already done. And it will be revealed.

Can the amaryllis bulb become, unexpectedly, something else – an ear of corn? Inconceivable. Can you, by watching and willing, make the flower bloom before its perfect moment? Impossible. Your only role, as the recipient of this lovely gift, is to wait expectantly and knowingly…trusting that the flower science is fulfilled in all its glory!

So it is with you. The complete and beautiful effect that is you is already included in the one and only Cause, God. Cause and effect is one, unchanging and certain.

It is inconceivable that you could be anything less than or different from what has already been created. The perfect demonstration of you is done. Your health, your worth, your job, your happy home is not a process of becoming…the complete demonstration is ordained and constituted now. Your role is to bear witness to this certain effect.

Can you see the demonstration of beautiful you right now? It may not be obvious to you yet! But wait expectantly, trusting and accepting the science of creation to reveal what is already included in this present moment. The healing effect will be revealed in all its glory!

The Christmas amaryllis shows that the gift of demonstration is already in you.


When Religion Creates Dragons – Church Moms Loving Our LGBTQ Youth – Now Playing

Hunter is a member of Mama Dragons, a group of nearly 2,000 mothers of LGBTQ children founded in 2014 as a private Facebook group. Their members set up “hugging booths” across the country, where they offer a mother’s warm embrace to anyone who needs it ― most often, LGBTQ youth who feel misunderstood and ostracized by their own mothers.  
Mama Dragons originated as a resource for Mormon mothers in Utah. It now has members from across the country who provide information and support to mothers from more conservative religious or political backgrounds whose children have recently come out.
“When you see other moms supporting those kids, you become brave enough to do the same thing yourself,” Davis said. “You become brave enough to have those hard conversations, to look at your own beliefs and evaluate them.”
They feel strongly that a mother’s support for their LGBTQ child can profoundly affect their livelihood and, in some cases, whether they live or die.
“It’s about life and death in many situations,” Hunter said. “Every mom we can reach and help them accept their kid, to know how to support them just a little better, is one less funeral we have to go to and one more family who will deal with this for the rest of their life in a completely different way.”

Premiered Oct 28, 2018

Comprised of Mormon, post-Mormon and never-Mormon women, the support group offers mothers of LGBTQ+ children an outlet and a community. Together, this grassroots group of mothers is breathing fire to protect their kids, writing a new chapter in a community of faith.

So what do we do as Mama Dragons?

Sometimes we can help in person. Sometimes it’s through social media, texts, emails or phone calls. We have attended same-sex weddings and celebrated with the new couple. We have buoyed each other up when unjust things have happened to our children. We have met with some of the highest leaders in the LDS Church, asking for more visibility and promotion of the church-sponsored Mormons & Gays website, and increased compassion and inclusivity in their talks about LGBTQIA (1) people. We have met with our local ward and stake leaders.  We’ve testified at Capitol Hill advocating against LGBT discrimination bills. We have attended funerals of gay teen suicide victims and mourned with their bereaved families. We have written articles about our experiences that have helped to open the eyes and hearts of the people who read them. We have done podcasts, press interviews, documentaries, YouTube videos, etc. in the hopes of furthering our message of unconditional love, full acceptance and equality, and education of church leaders and members. (2)  We work hard EVERY DAY to make things better for LGBTQIA Mormons, especially the youth. They are our most vulnerable. And unfortunately, the most invisible.

This isn’t just to make LGBTQIA people comfortable at church. This is literally to save lives. The following study was done by Dr. Caitlin Ryan of the Family Acceptance Project and San Francisco State University. Their research and conclusions concerning LGBTQIA children raised in highly-religious families were peer-reviewed and published in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics:

“Higher rates of family rejection were significantly associated with poorer health outcomes. On the basis of odds ratios, lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression, 3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs, and 3.4 times more likely to report having engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse compared with peers from families that reported no or low levels of family rejection. ” (3)

Utah has an estimated 5,000 homeless youths, about 40 percent of whom identify as LGBT people–50 percent of whom were raised in LDS families (4). What needs to be realized about the staggering nature of these statistics on homeless teens is that only 7% of teens in Utah identify as LGBT, so for them to make up 40% of the homeless youth in Utah is horrific.

Regardless of how you personally feel about homosexuality or gay marriage, these statistics and percentages should be enough to mobilize EVERY Latter-day Saint, indeed EVERY human, that reads this. I guarantee that there is someone in your life who is LGBTQIA, whether you know it or not. What are YOU doing to help that person feel loved, valued and included? If you don’t know anyone who is LGBTQIA, it could be because they don’t yet know that you are a safe person to talk to about this sensitive and tender subject. You could send them a subtle message by your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram posts, wearing a rainbow ring or ribbon, a bumper sticker on your car, bearing your testimony in Sacrament meeting or a supportive, loving comment at appropriate times at church. All of these things take courage, but please know that it is not an exaggeration when I tell you that these small actions have the power to save a life.

I hope that one day there will be no need for Mama Dragons. I hope that our children will be fully loved and wanted in their religious community, and not need to be protected from it. Sadly, today is not that day. So until then, we keep fighting. I am grateful for the work these women do, and that they have the courage, talons, and fire needed to protect God’s LGBTQIA sons and daughters from harm.


2018 Outfest Los Angeles Lgbtq Film Festival Announces Complete Lineup

“It’s a sacred space for people to discuss difficult topics,” Davis said.

Related imageMama Dragons attend Salt Lake City Pride in Utah, where they set up an annual "Hugging Booth."

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Renewal with Laura Moliter

e-inspire, November 28th

“Do not fear, you wild beasts: You will eat again, for the desert pastures are green again! And so will we: the trees bear their fruit; the fig trees and the vines produce their bounty once again.” (Joel 2: 22, The Voice Translation)

This verse glows with a promise for each of us. The barrenness we may feel at times, the lack or loss that seems to engulf us, is not our fate. The desert of our thought and experience will bloom again.

For God is with us. His grace is boundless and ready. What seems to be destruction at times may actually be renewal, that necessary “slash and burn” where the old and unfruitful is cleared away so that new life can grow and flourish.

God’s Love and His infinite Life is our assurance. And this means we can calm our fear and that of others, knowing God’s good intention for us is that we are fed, nurtured, given all that is needed for us to grow and be happy, to be what He made us to be. God’s promise is that we not only survive the wilderness times, but emerge from them into even greater productivity, inspiration, and bounteous goodness to express and to share!

Laura Moliter, Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist

The Christian Science Monitor -Watch out, 2020: Young voters are on the rise


Diversity “makes us who we are,” Obama said at the 2017 School Counselor of the Year event in the East Room of the White House, where she hosted 50 school counselors and a slew of stars. “Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story [or your church]. You do.”

First Lady Michelle Obama said at the 2017 School Counselor of the Year event in the East Room of the White House.


…  hitch your wagon to something bigger than yourselves. This generation coming up – unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic – I’ve seen you in every corner of the country. You believe in a fair, just, inclusive America [and church]; you know that constant change has been America’s hallmark, something not to fear but to embrace, and you are willing to carry this hard work of democracy forward. You’ll soon outnumber any of us, and I believe as a result that the future is in good hands. 

President Barack Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago, IL


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Watch out, 2020: Young voters are on the rise


Young people have long been seen as apathetic when it comes to engaging in politics. But this year revealed a remarkable receptivity to their peers’ activism.


First-time voters, dubbed “Generation Columbine,” have never known a world free of school shootings. That proved to be a powerful catalyst this year, along with concerns about President Trump’s ascendancy to the White House. Young people turned out on Election Day at the highest rate the United States has seen in a midterm in at least 25 years, though at 31 percent turnout they still lag behind their elders. The surge in youth turnout stems in part from fear – about school shootings, the state of politics, and the direction of the country. But it also comes from a collective desire to support each other and make positive change at a time when many feel their lives are quite literally on the line. “This is a sea change [in political engagement]…. They’re the most diverse generation in history so they don’t point their finger at the other,” says Alan Solomont, dean of the Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University in Medford, Mass. “This generation is about ‘us’ more than about ‘me.’ ”

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Thanksgiving Song of Joy & Gratitude with Virginia Harris, C.S.B. & the Macy’s Parade – Come Out of the Storms & Shadows of Fear and Separation


Thanksgiving Song

In the Book of Psalms there are 150 songs – most of which are of praise and thanksgiving to God for deliverance from disaster and suffering. Even the communal and personal laments include verses of gratitude for ultimate proof of protection and safekeeping. Sung, spoken, and written by countless voices describing their experiences over 500 years, these offerings of gratitude come out of the storms and shadows of loss into glorious light…the victory over every human ill.

In fact, the underlying premise of all the psalms is the effectiveness of prayer to God, the declaration and assurance of and trust in Her unconditional and universal goodness. This is the prayer that removes fear – the fear of separation from God’s love and goodness – and guides, guards, and governs each of us, especially in the midst of trouble.

So many times I have been freed from sorrow, fear, or despondency by the simple utterance, “Thank You, God.” Thank You for creating me inseparable and undivorced from Your love, abundance, protection, guidance, joy, and…, and…, and…! In fact, the more I keep adding the ideal qualities of the Spirit that are mine by reflection, the higher my heart soars. The trouble gets smaller until it is meaningless and powerless.

A friend sent me this link to a beautiful psalm of Thanksgiving, This Is the Day, by John Rutter.  It is a “new-old” psalm in that it sings the lovely top-notes from several ancient Psalms (118, 148, 91, 121 and 27) to offer one powerful, present-day hymn of praise.

This Thanksgiving season, may you find opportunity to sing the song of gratitude, and may your heart and home be full of praise and peace.


The Joy of Using Our Talents with Elton John + a Christian Science Perspective

I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words. How wonder full your ad is, which I did enjoy ❤

D. Craig



The Joy of Using Our Talents

[Of Special Interest to Children]

Excerpt below from the January 27, 1962 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

One of Jim’s favorite Bible stories is the parable of the talents, which Jesus once told to his followers. The parable tells of a certain man who prepared to go away on a long journey and “who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods” (Matt. 25:14). To each servant he gave money, or “talents,” as some of the money was called in those days. He gave five talents to one servant, two to another, and one to a third. He gave to each the amount he felt that servant was able to take care of.

While the master was away, two of the servants doubled their money. But the third servant buried his talent in the ground. When the master returned from his journey, he took the talent away from the lazy servant and gave it to the one who had made the most use of his money.

Mother told Jim that he could think of the talents in this story as representing the truths of Christian Science that he was learning in Sunday School. At first he did not understand how important it was for him to put these truths into daily use. Gradually, however, he began to prove for himself that he could turn to God whenever he was in any trouble and find God to be a quick and powerful help, able to free him from his difficulty, because nothing is impossible to God.

One day when Jim was behind on an art project in kindergarten, he was so discouraged that he threw his work down and said to his teacher, “I don’t draw well, and I’m not going to try any more.”

Hastily Jim picked up his crayons and began to catch up with his classmates. To his surprise he drew a good picture. In time his drawings improved so much that his pictures were among the best in his class.

Another time, when Jim was playing with his friends, they became angry with him and hit him with sticks and then ran away laughing. This was very hard for him to understand, and he was troubled. His mother came out to him and asked him to think of his talents. Jim was thoughtful for several moments. Then he remembered just the right one.

“I’m all wrapped up in Love, and hate can’t reach me,” he declared.

“That’s right,” Mother replied. “Science and Health says, ‘Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you’ (p. 571). Now get busy and exchange this picture of hate for the thought of Love everywhere. Hate cannot be real, if Love is all there is.'”

In a little while Jim saw his playmates coming back, and soon they were all playing happily together again.

After a moment Jim began to smile. “I remember something,” he exclaimed joyfully. “It’s from the hymn we sing, which Mrs. Eddy wrote (Poems, p. 4),

Wait, and love more for every hate, and
No ill,—since God is good, and loss
is gain.”


That night when Jim talked over the experience with Mother, she smiled and said: “You are doing well with your talents. The more you use them, the more you will have at hand to bless you whenever you need them. We are told by Mrs. Eddy (Science and Health, p. 323), ‘If “faithful over a few things,” we shall be made rulers over many; but the one unused talent decays and is lost.’ ”


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Happy Holidays 2018!


Can you believe another year has passed? I can’t. (It’s my birthday today so I’m really feeling it!) It seems like life just keeps moving forward – but here we are, ready to share another holiday with you.

Who are you? You are my holiday child. Any age, any gender, and labels or no labels at all. You’re mine because I love you, because you are here, because you are YOU. You are worthy of love because you were born. Nothing else is needed – you walk the earth, you deserve love!

Oh, but it goes so much further than that my holiday child. Because I know if you are part of this community, you have a huge amount of courage. You are working hard to just BE in this world some days (maybe some years) and let’s face it, it’s not been the easiest of times in the first place. Not for any of us.

So let’s imagine we are spending this year high on a mountaintop. There’s snow above Palm Springs where I just moved. Let’s make it a snowy holiday together – right here in our virtual world. All it takes is a little imagination. You dancing in the snowflakes as they gently fall. Me trying to keep up! You laughing. Me smiling because it makes me so happy that you are laughing. There are holiday songs – whichever are your favorite – ringing through some bells in the far off distance. We hear them and know it’s time to celebrate.

It’s a funny thing, celebration. Sometimes you celebrate something that happened. But sometimes you just celebrate to BE. To be together, to be playing, to be free in this moment. That’s what I want for you, my holiday child. To feel that freedom. No judging. Nothing to prove. Nothing you’re doing wrong. Just you and me laughing in the moment, free to be. Sounds really good, doesn’t it?

You’ll also hear me whisper that I’ve missed you and I’m glad it is the holidays again. You’ll hear me saying how much I can SEE you, how you’ve grown inside (and maybe out, too). You’ll hear me asking you all the personal stuff. What’s he/she/they like, if you have someone special. If you don’t, what do you imagine him/her/they will be like? I’ll get all giggly because if there is one thing I love, it’s LOVE!

And when we come down the mountain, I’ll remind you to check back here every day for another mom’s love. I can’t take all the joy for myself. And here is a secret – the moms here love to love on you as much as you love to be loved on. We are wired that way, and that is why we are here. So please, come back and let us. We are here every day till New Years!

Yours this holiday and always,


(PS, this is me with Jane. Her shirt says “love has no gender.” She’s worked hard to make it better for you in the corporate world and we loved sharing our love at the Palm Springs Pride parade together. I carried my sign high and proud!)

Related image                                                    Madonna visits LGBT youth shelter

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A Look Back at Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Impact on America with Ellen & Oprah

Michelle Obama’s highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” got another boost Monday when Oprah Winfrey announced she has chosen it for her book club.
From the very first pages of “Becoming” I knew I wanted EVERYONE to read it. I’ve known Michelle for 14 years, but this book is so vulnerable, I felt like she was in my ear. BOOK CLUBS EVERYWHERE – you’ll want to make this your next selection.



Published on Nov 15, 2018

Michelle Obama snuck out of the White House to celebrate marriage equality with crowd outside gates


Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s new memoir, Becoming, includes a section about the day the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. It includes a shocking revelation about the depths of the First Lady’s support for the LGBTQ community.

As the White House was lit up in rainbow colors to celebrate the ruling, Obama documents being able to watch the happiness as celebrants gathered in the park outside the White House gates, but that she couldn’t even hear the crowd.

Suddenly “desperate to join the celebration,”  she decided to do something about it – and she enlisted help from her eldest daughter, Malia, to accomplish it.

“We were going on an adventure—outside, where people were gathered—and we weren’t going to ask anyone’s permission,” Obama writes in the book. “Malia and I were now on a crusade. We weren’t going to relinquish our goal. We were going to get ourselves outside.”

After a complicated process of sneaking past the Secret Service and being thwarted once, the two finally made it outside.

“We made our way down a marble staircase and over red carpets, around the busts of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and past the kitchen until suddenly we were outdoors. The humid summer air hit our faces. I could see fireflies blinking on the lawn.”

“And there it was, the hum of the public, people whooping and celebrating outside the iron gates. It had taken us 10 minutes to get out of our own home, but we’d done it. We were outside, standing on a patch of lawn off to one side, out of sight of the public but with a beautiful, close-up view of the White House, lit up in pride.”

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Thank you to California’s best!


“An image is worth a thousand words,” Chmerkovskiy, 32, began his post on Sunday. “I’ll add a few of my own. As our beautiful state burns there are the ones that are fleeing and those that are going towards the fire, literally. These brave men and women, are truly heroes.”
“The courage, the compassion, and the sense of responsibility that these guys have is absolutely jaw dropping,” he continued. “This image is just a small glimpse of the reality of sacrifice that has to be made by regular people in a position of extraordinary proportion. This is what heroes are made of.”

Dancing with the Stars pro Val Chmerkovskiy

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People across the nation are expressing their gratitude for the firefighters in Southern California after an emotional photograph of the exhausted and hardworking heroes resurfaced on the Internet in light of the Woolsey and Hill fires.

In the remarkable shot, firefighters are seen lying on their equipment, bags and each other as they sleep on the grass outside after tirelessly working several 24-hour shifts.

The photo, featuring the first responders from the Tehachapi Wildland Fire Crew 11, was first shared on Instagram by the Kern County Fire Department in December 2017. It was originally posted to show the public how the local firefighters had been fighting the Thomas Fire in Montecito, California.

However, after the recent wildfires viciously burned through Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and Newbury Park — displacing thousands of people from their homes — the photograph has now returned and many are using it as a visual aid to express gratitude and support for the hardworking first responders.

Kern County Fire Department